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Advice on how to write a good CV template for the British job market

CV writing tips for the 40+
Advice on how to write a good CV for the British job market
How to find vacant jobs

How to find vacant jobs
The traditional way to find a job is to look through the Advertised vacancies in the back of local and national newspapers. Then there are a number of Recruitment agencies you can try. To save costs many companies are now using the internet to advertise their vacancies. You can always try the direct approach by contacting companies and asking about any job vacancies they have at present or due in the future.

Networking with friends and colleges is a good way to find about vacancies and obtain a possible recommendation. New social media websites like facebook or twitter and blog sites can also be used to network with people in different occupations. They can be asked is they know of companies recruiting. You could train for a new skill if necessary and then become self employed and then you only have to concentrate on finding customers.

CV writing skills for the over 40's. How to find vacant jobs

When people were asked how they succeeded in finding the job they were currently in the results were surprising

40% found the job by Networking

16% used the Internet

13% found work by using a Recruitment agency

12% found work by other means

Only 10% found work by replying to advertised vacancies

9% had success by asking companies directly if there were vacancies

Direct Approach (9% success rate)
Spend your time researching suitable companies and organisations. You could phone them first or just send them your CV. This approach is ideal if you hear in the news that they are expanding or opening a new branch near where you live. You can then conclude they may be looking for new staff.

Job Adverts (10% success rate)
You will find job vacancy adverts in most newspapers and some magazines. You can also find them in professional publications. They will tell you what the vacancy is and what the employer is looking for in an applicant. Some times they will include the wage or pay scale that particular that vacancy attracts. Placing an advert is expensive and the employer has to pay per word so there might not be all the information you need to make a decision whether or not to apply. Phone them and ask a few. This is also an opportunity to create an excellent first impression. Employers advertise vacancies to maximise the number of applicants. Your CV has to shine as this part of the job market can be highly competitive.

Recruitment agencies (13% success rate)
There are different types of recruitment agencies. Some are placement agencies selection consultants or head-hunters. They offer a free service to you. They are paid by commission from the employer. Most regard you as a commodity they can sell by finding the correct placement that matches your skills. Some will offer free advice about the companies application process, as they obviously want you to get the job so they can get their commission.

Lots of companies only recruit via recruitment agencies. When you go with an agency ask if they want to use your CV or the companies own CV. Keep phoning back and put the pressure on. Sometimes you can be forgotten. Good agencies will get back to you. Keep on top of them. A good recruiter will give you feed back and should tell you what the company is looking for. Try to build a relationship with the staff. Do not give money to the agency. Let them negotiate your pay package as the staff are on commission. It is in their interest to get you the highest rate.

Internet (16% success rate)
By using the internet you can find thousands of job advertisements. There are hundreds of different websites. Just use Google or Bing search engines to find them. The problem is trying to reduce the amount of information that is returned on those searches. Add a few extra relevant words to the search box to reduce the amount of hits returned. The main advantage of the internet is that you can search and apply for jobs -24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Networking (40% success rate)
Networking is how a lot of people eventually find employment. Some people find the idea of making use of personal contacts daunting. If done properly you can make networking a very effective way finding what jobs are available or are due to be released. To start just think about how many people you know both in a professional and social capacity. They all have many other contacts. It does not cost you to ask if they know of any vacancies or if they could ask their friends on your behalf. This is how a network grows. 75% of the total job market is never advertised. This is how you can gain access.

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